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18:00 - 23:00



DJ Lentil 

HP Loveschaft 

Anali Goldberg: SHIT SHOW - The Musical 

Sasha Kills 

MMA Kgosi 


SHrooms - Mindful Live Affairs

Inspired by the magic mushrooms mystical experience, these mindful affairs intend to sparkle and facilitate profound insights of those types of spiritual awakenings. Known to be present in various native medicine traditions in cultures all around the world, these toadstools have been used as sacrament in rituals aimed at mental and physical healing, opening minds for visionary states.

‘Shrooms’ is the newest event concept created by ELSE, supported and curated by Geovane Pedro De Bortoli, to bring people closer through a more intimate social experience, rather than ephemeral contemporary behaviour. By creating a comfortable and safe(r) environment, we aim to give the audience a home-y sort of feeling, in which one can loosen up and connect to others at ease. We hope to encourage the tightening live human relations.

Every month we will have a theme going on for to inspire performers to produce original shows. The first month, May 2022, we have decided to go for HOPE. We cannot wait to gather together and be fabulous!

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